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Sept. 1, 2023

Sources of information about Perrysburg, OH

Sources of information about Perrysburg, OH

Welcome to The Perrysburg Podcast, an informational podcast for prospective, new, and current Perrysburg, OH residents.  This is episode 6.  Today, we’re talking about sources of information in/about Perrysburg, OH.  Visit the website...

Welcome to The Perrysburg Podcast, an informational podcast for prospective, new, and current Perrysburg, OH residents.  This is episode 6.  Today, we’re talking about sources of information in/about Perrysburg, OH.  Visit the website for this podcast:  

#10 Historic Perrysburg, Inc. 

#9 Perrysburg Township’s website, 

#8 City of Perrysburg’s website, 

#7 Facebook Groups on 

  1. The Perrysburg, OH Facebook Group
  2. The Buy Nothing Perrysburg Facebook Group
  3. The Free S*&# Perrysburg Facebook Group

#6 Perrysburg Living Magazine (No website information as of Sept 1, 2023). 

#5 The Buzz Book 

#4 Perrysburg Chamber of Commerce 

#3 The Perrysburg Convention and Visitors Bureau 

#2 Way Public Library 

#1 Perrysburg Messenger Journal Newspaper

There are many great sources of information in and around Perrysburg.  Word of mouth, banners hanging in History Downtown Perrysburg, and other sources are out there too.  

If you know someone who wants to learn more about Perrysburg, please share this episode with them.  Please subscribe to/follow this podcast for all future episodes. Thanks for listening!

Next week, we’ll talk about parks in Perrysburg. 

Additional links from this episode

David Letterman Top 10 List (YouTube) 

She Fixes It (Hannah) 

Perrysburg Podcast