Hood Park is a small park in The City of Perrysburg, OH. It will take you about 30 minutes to walk through it and see everything. The address is 105 West Front Street, Perrysburg, OH 43551.
Hood Park sign (Perrysburg City Park) Parking lots (2) Louisiana Avenue Boat dock Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry Statue Civil War Memorial "Corn Cob Hill” plaque World War One Memorial War Memorial for WWI, WWI, The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War Ohio Historical Marker (Look at both the West & East Sides) The City of Perrysburg’s Christmas Tree Links from this episode
Perrysburg Podcast website https://www.perrysburgpodcast.com YouTube link for this episode Perrysburg Podcast YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@perrysburgpodcast Historic Perrysburg, Inc. https://www.historicperrysburg.org Perrysburg Police Division non-emergency number 419-872-8001 Perrysburg Boat Club https://www.perrysburgboatclub.com/ City of Perrysburg’s website, featuring Hood Park https://www.ci.perrysburg.oh.us/business_detail_T19_R9.php