Spring brush pick-up starts April 1 in both the City of Perrysburg and Perrysburg Township.
THANK YOU to all the City and Township Maintenance workers who pick up our brush every spring, and thank you to Marie Dunn (City of Perrysburg) and Andy Frankforther (Perrysburg Township Maintenance Dept) for your input on this episode. Thank you Renewed Outdoors for all you do for Perrysburg residents too! We appreciate you!
In this episode, we talk about spring brush pick-up in the City first and the Township second.
Please subscribe to/follow this podcast for all future episodes. Sign up for the weekly newsletter to find out what's next on this podcast. Happy spring! 🍁
Links from this episode
City of Perrysburg’s website https://www.ci.perrysburg.oh.us/
Perrysburg Township’s website https://www.perrysburgtownship.us/
Renewed Outdoors https://renewedoutdoors.com/
The Perrysburg Podcast website & newsletter sign-up https://www.perrysburgpodcast.com
The Perrysburg Podcast on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@perrysburgpodcast