We talk about where The Perrysburg Riverwalk is located, two safe places to access it, who uses it, how long it is, a walk/run/bike route that might be new to you, and a bonus tip for watching the walleye run from the Perrysburg-Maumee Bridge.
If you’re a prospective, new, or current Perrysburg, OH resident, and you didn’t know the Riverwalk existed, check it out! If you’re a visitor, you should check out the Riverwalk too.
If you know someone who might like to hear about The Perrysburg Riverwalk or needs access to the river for the Walleye Run, please share this episode with them.
Orleans Park (parking lot/access to The Riverwalk)
655 Maumee Western Reserve Rd
Perrysburg, OH
Info and links for this episode
Orleans Park in the City of Perrysburg Fort Meigs Battlefield/Historic Site Perrysburg, OH The Perrysburg Podcast Episode 32 featuring Brian Miller from maumeeriverwalleyerun.com Perrysburg Boat Club St. Rose Catholic Church Perrysburg, OH Saturday, April 6, 2024, 12-6 PM is the Total Eclipse of the Burg Event. Location: Commodore Schoolyard Square 140 E. Indiana Ave. Perrysburg, OH 43551 #TEOB Total Eclipse of the Burg Info page: https://visitperrysburg.com/event/total-eclipse-of-the-burg/ Downtown Perrysburg Inc (DPI) Website https://www.downtownperrysburg.org/ DPI Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/DowntownPerrysburg/ DPI Instagram https://www.instagram.com/downtownperrysburg/ DPI Linktree https://linktr.ee/downtownperrysburginc National Eclipse Website: https://nationaleclipse.com/ (All you need to know about the Eclipse in the US) Visit Perrysburg https://visitperrysburg.com/ Way Public Library https://www.waylibrary.info/ Perrysburg Chamber of Commerce https://www.perrysburgchamber.com/ City of Perrysburg https://www.ci.perrysburg.oh.us/index.php Perrysburg Township https://www.perrysburgtownship.us/ #cityofperrysburg #perrysburg #perrysburgohio #perrysburgriverwalk