Welcome to Episode 12 of The Perrysburg Podcast! Today, we’re talking about Trick-or-Treat (Halloween) in Perrysburg, OH.
This is an informational podcast for prospective, new, and current Perrysburg, OH residents. We talk about what’s in Perrysburg and why people like to live here. You can find the show notes for this episode on https://www.perrysburgpodcast.com.
Trick or Treat is a safe and friendly event here. Elementary school children usually have parties in their classrooms during the school day. Then, they go trick-or-treating around town from 6-8 PM. My kids stopped trick-or-treating when they were around 13, but there’s no age limit that I know of.
Trick-or-Treat in Perrysburg is Tuesday, October 31, 2023, from 6-8 PM. In general, if a porch light is on, take your kids up to the door (and get a treat). If the porch light is off, skip that house.
In this episode, I also share 10 poisoning prevention tips for Halloween and 3 injury prevention tips from Perrysburg Police, which I found on the City of Perrysburg’s website. I’m a pharmacist by training and also a Mom. Therefore, I care a lot about safety.
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Links from this episode
Poison Help Line 1-800-222-1222
List of Halloween Safety Tips from Perrysburg Police on the City of Perrysburg’s Website
Perrysburg Police non-emergency line: 419-872-8001
Perrysburg Podcast website https://www.perrysburgpodcast.com